
Nipping in the Bud --- A Site Visit to Our Sugar Warehouse in Yunnan
Release Date:2016-12-12

After Tianjin event, we had attached great importance to security of warehouse; therefore, in the middle rainy and humid September, our staffs, Liu Yang and Bai Sheng, went to Sichuan to take stock and investigate inventory of several warehouses where we have many in stock in there. 
We have long term cooperation with Zichen and Guangda which accounts for most of all our sugar and is also a designated warehouse for GSMN, KCM and ZCE.
During the investigation for Guangda, we learned that with well-ventilated indoor environment, fully equipped facilities and moisture-proof & rat-proof design, the main high-based warehouse are better than other branch warehouses which are generally platform warehouses in other regions, and can perfectly store pure cane granulated white sugar in rainy season. We didn’t see any agglomeration, damp and discoloration in broken packages.
                              The picture above shows the stock laying in Guangda branch warehouses
After that, we came to Zichen and we got that including great surroundings, warehouses are relatively concentrated and well programmed but when we walked inside we found most of goods stacking too high, which would easily make sugar caked. 
                                The picture above shows the stock laying in Guangda main warehouse    
Although the trip was tough, we had learned more things about those warehouses especially for Zichen and Guangda, solved hidden risk on stock, and successfully got settlement done, which provided reference for warehouse selection in near future.

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